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Every day we’re bombarded with a ton of people on social media who have Jawlines that can cut through butter.

 And then you sometimes feel bad because in your mind you’re probably like, “Damn I wish that was me”.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

Many of us strive for a nice chiseled jawline, but getting it may seem like an impossible task. 

The desire for a perfect jawline skyrockets daily. Leading to an increase in procedures done like jawline contouring or fillers. 

However, I have a secret for you. Come closer. Achieving a defined jawline doesn’t have to involve these procedures. 

Thus, in this post, I will expose some tips and tricks that’ll help you get THAT perfect jawline without the need for surgery or fillers.

Let’s dive into it.

Why Should You Get A Jawline At All?

At this day and age where first impressions are important, we see a Jawline as a sign of attractiveness and confidence. 

You see, having a sharp jawline these days isn’t just about looking good in pictures or whatnot—it can impact how others perceive you.  

When you have a well-defined jawline, people see you as more assertive and attractive.

Which ultimately boosting your confidence and self-esteem, which makes you stand out in social settings. 

You can literally just upload a video on TikTok and just stare at the camera and not do anything and it just goes viral. That’s the power of having a Jawline. 

So let me break it down to you, how you can get a Jawline that will give you power you never thought of.


One thing you have to keep in mind is that you Cannot spot-reduce fat. Doing some of the tips below that target the jawline area isn’t gonna magically make you lose fat and give you a Jawline if you have a double chin. However, It’s gonna help strengthen and tone the area so that when you do lose the weight, you’re left with a nice toned Jawline. Always remember that fat loss is an all-over body process that needs cardio workouts and eating healthy. I say this out of love I promise.

1. Let’s Start With Your Daily Intake 

1.1 Reduce Salty And Sugary Foods

Eating foods that are salty or sugary can cause bloating. 

Not only in your stomach, but in your face as well. which can hinder you from getting a toned facial structure. 

Because of this, you need to switch to a healthier diet. If your goal is to lose weight in general, going on a calorie deficit is a good option. 

It doesn’t have to be too much. Something like incorporating:

  • Proteins.
  • Healthy carbs.
  • Fruits and Vegetables with high water content.
  • And drinking enough water.

…can be a game changer for you. 

It’ll decrease bloating on your face, making room for your jawline to appear nicely and more defined.

In addition, eating healthy may result in clear skin, which is another factor that makes you look attractive. 

1.2 Stay Hydrated 

Drinking water is essential for several reasons. And one of them is getting THAT jawline you’re aiming for. 

Water is like that trusty sidekick who’s always got your back. It keeps your skin stay elastic and firm. Which is ideal for a jawline. 

Plus, drinking enough water flushes out toxins from your body. Therefore reducing bloating and giving your skin that radiant look. 

Effects of not drinking enough water

Not drinking enough water will cause bloating around your face. This is a natural response to your body to keep it from dehydration. 

In a simple explanation, when you’re not drinking enough water, your body retains water to keep it from drying out. Thus leading to bloating or water retention. 

Now there’s no straight answer to how much water you should drink daily. However, drinking a gallon of water every day will get you substantial results. 

Simply fill a gallon bottle with water in the morning and take regular sips as you go on about your daily routines. 

Make sure you’re near a restroom.

2. Moving to your Physique

2.1 Go To The Gym 

This is by far the most important point because it requires you to move your body around. 

When you’re working out, you’re not just building muscle, you’re also boosting your overall health which is essential for better-looking skin. 

Let me explain:

Exercising increases blood circulation caused by the heart beating faster. This gets the important nutrients to your skin. Allowing it to glow. 

Additionally, working out helps you burn calories. Which can help you burn excess fat and lose weight even on your face.

Thus, toning your muscles and and face. Which then leaves you with a sharp jawline and hollow cheeks. 

The kind of workouts you wanna go for are:

  • Cardio.
  • Running.
  • Cycling.
  • Jumping. 

Going to the gym is a great option because there’s a lot of equipment you can use to work out. Which can burn fat alot faster.

If however, you can’t make it to the gym, you can still do home workouts. 

Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home

  • Jumping jacks.
  • High knees.
  • Butt kicks.
  • Mountain climbers.
  • Burpees.
  • Skipping rope.
  • Running in place.
  • Tuck jumps.
  • Squat jumps.
  • Stair climbing.
  • Dancing.
  • Plank jacks.
  • Lateral shuffles.

2.2 Chew gum

Chewing a piece of gum gives your facial muscles a good workout. Especially because you can’t move your face similar to how you move your arms and legs.

As you chew, you’re engaging the muscles around your jaw. This will strengthen and tone your your jaw muscles over time. 

This is kinda similar to lifting weights to tone either your arms and legs. However, like lifting weights, you have to stay consistent to see good results. 

You can’t chew gum for one day and expect to see a Jawline that could slice bread. It just doesn’t work like that. 

If you’re new to chewing gum for a better jawline, start off with just regular soft gum. As you work your way through, you can switch over to harder gum. 

Which is essential for the jaw muscles and toning them. 

The downside of chewing gum is that it increases gas in your stomach because you swallow more air than usual. 

Therefore, chew it for about 15-20 minutes daily. 

This will decrease the amount of air you swallow. And this also rest your muscles while your jaw becomes stronger at the same time. Which is a win-win.

2.3 Talk

Yeah, talking. It’s as simple as talking. 

Here’s how it works:

As you talk, you engage and move your facial muscles. Therefore helping you achieve the jawline you’re looking for. 

However, you have to keep in mind that it’s not only speaking that refines that jaw. 

You have to incorporate other steps that I mentioned above and below this point for quicker results. 

2.4 Mewing

TikTok’s best friend. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen videos on that App about mewing. 

This is an exercise that uses the tongue to improve your chin area. For a short while.

The idea of it is to keep your tongue rested on the roof of your tongue for as long as you can. 

To the point where you reach a point where you naturally rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Without having to remind yourself to do it. 

What will happen is the constant pressure that you apply can help you hide that little bit of fat in the double-chin area. This will then expose your jawline.

How to mew?

  • Simply place your tongue at the roof of your mouth.
  • Place the tip of your tongue a little bit behind your front teeth.
  • Apply a little bit of pressure on the roof of your mouth.

And that’s it. 

Do this when you’re not talking or eating.

2.5 Fix Your Posture

When you’re slouching, which, a side note, just makes you look unattractive in so many ways, your head tends to move forward. 

Which makes your jawline less prominent. 

On the other hand, when your head is more aligned with your spine, it properly highlights your jawline and neck. Which makes it more visible.

Simple way to fix your posture

  • Keep your shoulders back and relaxed.
  • Align your ears with your shoulders. 
  • Engage your core to support your spine.
  • Lift your chin such that it’s parallel with the flat ground. 

Maintain this good posture when you’re:

  • Walking.
  • Sitting.
  • Working.
  • Just whatever it is that you’re doing.

And all which is healthy for your spine.

2.6 Breath With Your Nose

Studies have shown that when you breathe with your mouth for a long time, you’ll have the mouth breather face. 

This type of face typically has a receding chin and a longer face. It looks like this:

No jawline. Just a round face. All of which you don’t want. 

On the other hand, nasal breathing is like giving your jawline a little workout.

This also helps you rest your tongue at the roof of your mouth. Making you mew without even realizing. Which helps define that jawline. 

And it’s not just the jawline. Breathing through your nose gives you a good facial structure that matches the aesthetics of looking attractive.

3. Now The Skincare

3.1 Ice your face

Icing your face is another factor that helps you reduce puffiness. Which is usually cause by:

  • Salty foods.
  • Not getting enough sleep.
  • Allergies.
  • Alcohol.
  • Dehydration.

And more…

Remember the remedy your parents used when you bumped your head against the wall or the floor when you were little? 

They usually iced the inflamed area to reduce swelling.

It works the same for a boated face.

Therefore decreasing any:

  • Swelling.
  • Puffiness.
  • Inflammation.

..that could be on your face. 

3.2 Gua Sha or Face Roller

Using a Gua Sha or a face roller is a process of massaging your face. 

By massaging the jawline, you release tension in the area. Therefore relaxing your muscles which gives your jawline definition. 

It’s kinda like smoothing out a crumpled piece of paper. You’re getting rid of creases and bumps. Resulting in a smooth paper. 

Here’s how you can use a Gua sha or a face roller: 

Apply moisturizer on your face in your skincare routine. Have your Gua sha or face roller ready.

Now start from your chin and gently move it until you reach the jaw angle. 

Without removing the tool from your face, move it down your neck.

Repeat this on both sides 8-10 times. 

Little Reminders

You need put on a moisturizer beforeyou start this massage. Thus, these tools slide smoothly on the skin. 

If you see your jawline area getting red, don’t worry it’s a normal reaction.

A Gua sha is unique because it has different shapes which you can use on your face. 

Be gentle as you’re massaging. You don’t wanna go all Hulk mode on your face. That’ll harm than good.

3.3 Skincare

In all honesty, you can’t have the best-looking jawline with skin that doesn’t look good. As a result, a skincare routine is essential. 

It helps you keep your skin:

  • Clean.
  • Hydrated.
  • Protected from UV rays.
  • Free from dirt from your daily routines. 

And when your skin is glowing, your jawline shines with it. 

Here’s a more in depth facial skincare routine.

4. Rest

4.1 Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough rest is important for several reasons.

Not getting enough sleep however, can cause your face to swell due to water retention.

Therefore causing puffiness. 

It also causes your eyes to be swollen and makes your eye bags more visible. And nobody wants that. 


Just get enough rest. You need 7-9 hours of sleep every day.

When you’re well rested, your body is less stressed. Which equals healthy skin. A major win.

Also not getting enough sleep can cause you to slouch from being tired. 

And from what we discussed above, it can mess up your posture. 

Therefore messing up your jawline. Just rest. It’s as easy as that.

Final Thoughts 

Wow, that was a long train of explanations but I hope I got the point across. 

What may seem unfair to you is that some people have Jawlines from genetics. 

They’re naturally just there. 

However, you can also get it. You just need to put in the work. 

The results will not show up overnight, that’s why is essential to stay consistent. 

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By marcasu

Hi there, my name is Marcus and I am a College student who is following his aspirations on starting a blog and ready to share his ideas with the World. My ideas target people who seek aesthetic tips that foster self improvement. I hope my words help you achieve the person you want to be!

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